Guillermo Lezama

Guillermo Lezama

Ph.D. Candidate in Economics

University of Pittsburgh

Welcome to my personal website! I am a sixth-year Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the University of Pittsburgh. My research interests lie in the field of Development and Political Economy, particularly in exploring different methods to address questions in this area. I am particularly interested in the application of text-learning and computational social science methods, and applied microeconomics to issues such as the effects of corruption or sudden migration flows on politicians’ rhetoric.

I was born and raised in Uruguay, where I also completed my undergraduate studies and a Master’s in International Economics at the Universidad de la República (Udelar).

As you navigate through my website, you will find information about my research, publications, presentations, and other professional activities. You can also explore my coding portfolio and visit my GitHub to see examples of my work. You can find my resume and contact information if you would like to get in touch with me.

I am on the Job Market AY 2024-25!

Working Papers

(2024). Information About Corruption and Politicians' Proposals. [Job Market Paper].


(2024). The Effect of Experimenter Demand on Inference.


(2024). Immigration Shocks and Politicians’ Rhetoric: Evidence from The Venezuelan Migration Crisis.


Work in Progress

(2023). Can Sanctions Deter Illegal Financial Transactions?.

(2023). Climate Change and Consumption Behavior.


(2024). Social Media vs. Surveys: A New Scalable Approach to Understanding Legislators' Discourse. Legislative Studies Quarterly.


(2020). Inequality in pre‐income survey times: a methodological proposal. Review of Income and Wealth, 66(4).

